Helping Students Create!
We are deeply committed to supporting Music and Arts in the Renton Schools.
Music Programs
March is Music In Our Schools Month, as dedicated by the National Association for Music Education, promoting music education in schools across the nation. The Renton Schools Foundation affectionately refers to it as: March is Music Month.
For the past 10 years, our generous donors have contributed during the month of March and enhanced thousands of students' lives through the gift of music education! Music brings students together and is shown to improve cognitive skills, mental well-being, and social engagement. Thank you for your support and please consider donating this year to March is Music Month as our awesome Music Teachers continue to create enthusiasm through the power of music!
All March is Music Month Donations go directly into the hands of the Music teachers across the Renton School District.
March is Music Month over the last 10 Years
In 2013, the Renton Schools Foundation made its first grant of $2,500 to music in Renton Schools. As of today, with your generous donations, we have granted over $400,000 to music in our schools!
Look how this community partnership has expanded over the last 10 years:
Outdoor concert at The Landing
ALL instruments repaired throughout the school district thanks to Bob Bridge and the Randy Rockhill Music Fund
All day music festival, ending with a swing dance
Contributed to elementary music enhancements on the West Hill of RSD
Thanks to Reeder Family Fund a new digital keyboard classroom was created at Hazen High School
We partnered to supply as many instrument choices as possible to the new Risdon Middle school
Lindbergh Band & Orchestra wrote and performed their own composition called Beside Still Water
Thank you to all music teachers for bringing music into the homes of Renton Students when the Covid pandemic closed our schools.
We partnered to support a digital platform called Smart Music to assist music learning while students were at home
A digital keyboard classroom was created at Lindbergh High School
All 4th graders now have their own recorder instruments, and ALL middle and high school drama clubs have access to theatrical licenses as they re-boot their drama programs post pandemic
Arts Programs
Renton Schools Foundation understands the importance of Drama and Visual Arts in education. Your donations have supported students throughout Renton School District Arts and Drama Programs. Here is just a quick glance at a few of the programs we have had a hand in supporting:​
Dimmit Middle School Clay Program, Thank you from the Visual Arts Students
Helped establish a new Lindbergh High School Drama Club in 2019. Seussical the Musical was the first theatrical stage performance since 2003!
Lindbergh High School Stage Performance of Seussical the Musical