Get Involved
The Renton Schools Foundation is a volunteer-lead organization. Each spring we hold an Annual Benefit Breakfast and throughout the year we focus on additional fundraising and sponsor recognition opportunities.
Some areas where volunteers are needed include:
General Planning and Implementation
Sponsor Recruitment and Cultivation
Table Captain Recruitment
Marketing and PR
Speaker Recruitment
In-Kind Donation Solicitation
Volunteer Coordination
Database Entry and Maintenance
Print Design
Development of Marketing Collateral Documents
Your special talent or skill
If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please contact us!
Call for Board Members
A message from our Chair, Pam Teal:
We are seeking new board members to join our small, but mighty, team. If you are willing to roll up you sleeves, dive into supporting our students through fundraising, watching over the stewardship of this organization, posting on social media and more, please contact me.
Thank you,
Pam Teal
(425) 269-9027