Benefit Breakfast
Our Benefit Breakfast is held on the last Monday of April at the Renton Pavilion Event Center. Each year the Foundation features a speaker whose career has been impacted by their education or who is passionate about connecting education to the community.
Former keynote speakers include: Bill Gates, Sr., Sally Jewel former president and CEO of REI, Dr. Bonnie Dunbar, astronaut and former mayor of Seattle Norm Rice.
The average attendance for this breakfast is 350 individuals and business and approximately $200,000 is raised each year.
March is Music Month
Did you know March is National Music in our Schools Month? During March, we target and raise funds for specific music needs identified by the Renton School District Music Teachers.

Teacher Grants
Teacher Grants support innovation in the classroom. Since 2016, Renton Schools Foundation has provided 100 Teacher and Support Staff with direct grants totaling more than $69,000 for use in the classrooms to support student learning.